Monday, 18 August 2014

Final-walk through video

Attempt at Cry engine

I attempted to import my design into Cry Engine but my boat shed didn't import properly so I was left with this unfortunately.

Week 5-6

My Final Drawings

Side section elevation

Plan view

Section perspective

Section perspective

Section elevation

Front elevation

After presenting our final images in our groups the feedback I received from some of the people in my group, was the idea to add a door in from the top room that would lead onto the patio. I planned to add a door in photoshop but I ran out of time. I did try previously in sketch up but kept having problems trying to add a door in so I just left it so that you could get onto the patio from the footpath up top.

Sketch Up shots

Here are some screen shots of some images from Sketch Up of my Final Design.
My Design is a Bar which can be a meeting between friends or a meeting between people and people.
So by that I mean that you go to this place not just to hang out but it's a chance to meet new people.
For my final design I decided to add 2 extra levels on to my design to separate the areas up, so that each room has its dedicated spot e.g tv room, arcade room instead of having everything all in one room like most bars do, I wanted to do something different than a normal Bar.
The patio on the top right I added so that you can enjoy a drink or two outside whilst enjoying the lovely view of the ocean surrounding you and enjoy the fresh air whilst in the company of your fellow peers.


Week 5:

We had to come up with 5 alternative meetings that we could possibly use as an idea for our boat shed to develop further to go towards our final idea.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Week 4: Third Design-Go Karts

Screen shots of my Go Karting Place in sketch up.

I decided to make the floor see through from one way only so that friends and family can watch from above but from ground floor you cant see up wards.

Link to my walk through movie

Monday, 11 August 2014

Week 4: Go Karting

I brought in photoshop into my drawing to show what I want my boat shed to look like.

Drawings for my third Design

Week 4: Third Design-Go Karting

For my third design I was interested in designing a Go Kart race track which would be a meeting between friends.
To accomplish this I realised that I would need to be realistic here and would have to use multiple boat sheds as clearly one would be no where near big enough for a race track to fit inside. I am considering using about six boat sheds alongside each other and then expanding them outwards towards the sea to create a large open space for this design to work.

Boat shed model

Here I used my boat shed model to experiment with reflection. I tried to show the water reflecting up upon the boat sheds.

Sculpture/Model of boat shed that I made out of clay.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Week 3: Second Design- Bar/Arcade

Material Detail.

I played around with wooden popsicle sticks which I used for representation of the wooden floor boards that i would like to use on the floors of my boat sheds and on the patio outside.
I used different materials to join the popsicle sticks together just for experimentation to see how strong and durable they were as a component.

Screen shots in sketch up.

Perspective elevation view.

Elevation View.

Plan View